Help with donations. Contact Mundus Verborum.

Help Mundus Verborum, the World of Words, help children and adults who desperately need our help.

Mundus Verborum donates one percent of all net sales to Casas André Luiz, a fantastic institution in Brazil.

Founded in 1949, Casas André Luiz is a philanthropic, not-for-profit organisation that cares for about 1,600 patients, 600 of whom are permanent residents.

All patients are intellectually disabled by varying degrees, ranging from minor to very severe, and some also have physical disabilities. They all receive free care from dentists, nurses, pharmacists, radiologists, phonologists, psychologists and physiotherapists, among other professionals.

For further information on their amazing work, please click here (in Portuguese only).

If you or your company would like to top up this contribution and help them directly, their donation details are here (in Portuguese only).

Before moving to the UK, our director used to live close to the institution and was able to see first-hand what an enormous difference it makes to the lives of these children and adults, as well as their families.

Mundus Verborum is the World of Words, but we believe that actions speak louder.

Together we can make a difference.